Christmas, that time of the year when we become more humble and think, or try to, of our loved ones, friends, relatives, vague acquaintances, long lost lovers, business partners etc. who in the daily rat race of our wild and exotic lives get stored away in the back of the closet of our minds and now all of a sudden gain a tad more importance, if only for a short while.
Charity is indeed a coat you wear twice a year, so who gets the first card and who gets the last?
Baby, it's cold outside, heartwarming illustrations from top left clockwise; father christmas wishing joyeux noel by Ralph Hulett, christmas cover by Sempe for the New Yorker, illustration by Robert Wagt of a fashion model dressed as a christmas tree, illustration by Tom Schamp of Jacques Tati dressed up as a christmas tree, christmas illustration by the late great Leonard Weisgard, French illustrator Annette Marnat's buche de noel, little boy decorating a christmas tree by Fiep Westendorp and a modern christmas tree illustration by Ellen Giggenbach.